India: Recommended Reading For further study about India, Martin Gray recommends the following books: Travels Through Sacred India Sacred Waters: A Pilgrimageup the Ganges River to theSource of Hindu Culture The Essentials of Hinduism:A Comprehensive Overview ofthe World's Oldest Religion Seeing Spiritual India:A Guide to Temples, HolySites, Festivals and Traditions The Hindus:An Alternative History Hindu Gods and Goddesses:300 Iliustrations from the"The Hindu Pantheon" Myths and Symbols inIndian Art and Civilization A Traveller's History ofIndia (Traveller's History) An Introduction to Hinduism(Introduction to Religion) Banaras: The City Revealed Shiva: The Wild God o Power and Ecstasy The Hindu Temple:An Introduction to ItsMeaning and Forms Darsan: Seeing theDivine Image in India Banaras, Diana Eck Seven Sacred Rivers The Book of Vishnu Vishnu An Introduction Journey through the TwelveForests: An Encounter with Krishna The Bhagavad Gita:A Walkthrough for Westerners The Bhagavad GitaAccording to Gandhi The Book of Krishna(Book Of... (Penguin Books) The Bhagavad Gita:A New Translation The Bhagavad Gita(Penguin Classics) Journey through the TwelveForests: An Encounter with Krishna The Bhagavad Gita(Classics of Indian Spirituality) Sadhus: India's Mystic Holy Men While the Gods Play:Shaiva Oracles and Predictionson the Cycles of History andthe Destiny of Mankind Shiva: The Wild God o Power and Ecstasy Hindu Goddesses:Visions of the Divine Femininein the Hindu Religious Tradition Khajuraho and Its HistoricSurroundings (Odyssey Guides) Khajuraho (Monumental Legacy Series) Religious Imagery of Khajuraho Khajuraho: With Latest Discoveries > Holy Places of theBuddha Crystal Mirror 9 The Art of Happiness,10th Anniversary Edition: A Handbook for Living Teachings of the Buddha The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching Beyond the Self: Teachingson the Middle Way Buddha, KAREN ARMSTRONG Light of Liberation:A History of Buddhism in India(Crystal Mirror Series, Vol. 8) Holy Places of Buddhismin Nepal and India: A Guide toSacred Places in Buddha's Lands The Golden Temple: AndOther Sikh Holy Places The Wisdom of Sikhism The Sikhs Seeing Spiritual India:A Guide to Temples, HolySites, Festivals and Traditions The Sikhs of the Punjab Journey Through Jainism Jainism: An Introduction(I.B. Taurus Introductions to Religion) Life Force : The World of Jainism The Heart of Jainism(Classic Reprint) An Introduction to Jainism Sanchi and its remains; a full description of the ancient buildings, sculptures, and inscriptions at Sanchi, near Bhilsa, in Central India Sanchi (Monumental Legacy) Holy Places of theBuddha Crystal Mirror 9 Wandering with Sadhus:Ascetics in the Hindu Himalayas Autobiography of a Sadhu:A Journey into Mystic India Mail