England: Recommended Reading For further study about England, Martin Gray recommends the following books: Sun, Moon & Stonehenge:High Culture in Ancient Britain Solving Stonehenge: TheKey to an Ancient Enigma Stonehenge Complete,Third Edition A Brief History of Stonehenge:One of the Most FamousAncient Monuments in Britain Stonehenge (Wooden Books) The Lost Science of Measuringthe Earth: Discovering the SacredGeometry of the Ancients Hengeworld: Life in Britain2000 BC as Revealed by theLatest Discoveries at Stonehenge,Avebury and Stanton Drew Stonehenge by John David North Stonehenge: A Historyin Photographs Stonehenge Decoded Great Stone Circles:Fables, Fictions, Facts The Megalithic European:The 21st Century Travellerin Prehistoric Europe New Light on the AncientMystery of Glastonbury Traditions of Glastonbury:The Biblical Missing Years of Christ – Answered Glastonbury: Myth and Archaeology St Joseph of Arimatheaat Glastonbury Energy Secrets OfGlastonbury Tor Glastonbury Through Time The Cathedral Line OfEngland: Its Sacred SitesAnd Shrines, The Country OfThe Abbeys (1908) Prehistoric Avebury,Second Edition Avebury (DuckworthArchaeological Histories) Avebury, Evelyn Francis Avebury: The Biographyof a Landscape The Lost Science of Measuringthe Earth: Discovering the SacredGeometry of the Ancients The Megalithic European:The 21st Century Travellerin Prehistoric Europe The Age of Pilgrimage:The Medieval Journey to God The Cathedral Line Of England: Its Sacred Sites And Shrines, TheCountry Of The Abbeys (1908) Chaucer's CanterburyPilgrimage (1892) The Canterbury Tales(Norton Critical Editions) The Canterbury Tales(Oxford World's Classics) Mail