Ireland: Recommended Reading For further study about Ireland, Martin Gray recommends the following books and travel guides: Blarney Castle: Its History,Development and Purpose St. Patrick of Ireland:A Biography Ireland's Saint:The Essential Biographyof St. Patrick Let Me Die in Ireland,the True Story of Patrick Pilgrimage in Ireland:The Monuments and thePeople (Irish Studies) Island of the Setting Sun:In Search of Ireland'sAncient Astronomers A Guide to the Stone Circlesof Britain, Ireland and Brittany:Second Edition Newgrange: Archaeology,Art and Legend(New Aspects of Antiquity) The Sacred Isle:Pre-Christian Religions in Ireland Ireland's Ancient Stones:Megalithic Ireland Explored Early Ireland: An Introductionto Irish Prehistory Magic Stones: The SecretWorld of Ancient Megaliths Astronomy in PrehistoricBritain and Ireland In Search of Ancient Ireland:The Origins of the Irishfrom Neolithic Timesto the Coming of the English Newgrange Speaks for Itself: Forty Carved Motifs The Stones of Time: Calendars,Sundials, and Stone Chambersof Ancient Ireland Sun Dancing:Life in a medieval Irish monasteryand how Celtic spiritualityinfluenced the world Pilgrimage in Ireland:The Monuments and thePeople (Irish Studies) Ireland's Round Towers Irish Round Towers(Wooden Books Gift Book) > The Round Towers of Atlantis Isle of Saints:Monastic Settlement and ChristianCommunity in Early Ireland Celtic Spirituality Megalithic Monuments ofBritain and Ireland Standing with Stones:A Photographic Journey throughMegalithic Britain and Ireland The Megalithic European:The 21st Century Travellerin Prehistoric Europe In Search of Ireland's Holy Wells Praying with Celtic Holy Women Fish Stone Water:The Holy Wells of Ireland Mail